What We Do

UPDATE: The SSC (Strike Steering Committee) was elected by the student occupiers of Hamilton Hall on April 23, 1968. As more buildings were seized, representatives from each and from the central office were added (and will continue to be added) to the Steering Committee. We are committed to instituting the democratic procedures that we seek for our university and our society.

General assembly meetings are held once a week on Thursdays in Fayerwether 201, unless notified of a change. SDS officers and the Steering Committee also have meetings every week, and then present their ideas and proposals to the general assembly to be voted on.

General assembly members can participate in all SDS events. We especially need people to run the literature table on College Walk, which we try to have there every day for at least a few hours.

The schedule for the next 5 days (will be updated as situation changes or events are added):

“SDS Calendar,” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 16, 2013, https://exhibitions.cul.columbia.edu/items/show/5533.

“SDS Calendar,” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 16, 2013, https://exhibitions.cul.columbia.edu/items/show/5533.

April 27th- Mansfield Smith Blues Band, SDS Victory Dance! Wollman 9-1am, $1

April 26th- Supply run to SDS occupied buildings at 4:15. Bring supplies earlier if you can. This will be followed by a meeting of SSC at 7 PM and General Assembly at 8 PM to discuss AHFG recommendations and decide on further actions. Meet at SSC headquarters!

April 25th- Things have escalated. Emergency meeting at 4 PM in SSC headquarters to discuss direction, demands, negotiations, and future occupations/actions. Current occupiers will be filled in ASAP!!

April 23rd- Everyone meet at 12PM at the Sun Dial for a rally with SAS!

April 22nd- General Assembly Meeting at 7:30 PM in 201 Fayerwether. We are planning our big campaign and organizing ourselves!



Please bring your membership card to all meetings.  You will not be allowed to enter any meetings or venues without a signed membership card:



Past Meeting Places and Events


Agenda for Meeting 1/5 — A Time for Action: consideration of possible community projects to be undertaken by the New York Chapter. Hope you’ll join us Tuesday, January 5, at the Peace Information Center, 218 East 18th Street — 7:00 p.m.



Where is the American Left Going: Talks by M.S. Arnoni, C. Clark Kissinger, Carl Winter. Friday, January 22nd at 8:00 p.m. SCOPE, N.Y. School of Marxist Studies, 853 Broadway, Rm. 15a. Contribution 99¢; students and unemployed 75¢.


MOVIE. The Inheritance. Story of the American Labor Movement. Friday, February 5th at 8:30 p.m. at District 65-13 Astor Place. Auspices: Phoenix Reform Club. 12 East 4th Street. GR 7 – 9844 for tickets.

“The Student Uprising in Berkeley” Speakers: Paul Goodman and Paul Jacobs. Auspices: Dissent, New America, SDS. Sunday, February 21, at 8 p.m. Fraternal Clubhouse, no. W, 48th Street.

The New York At-large Chapter of SDS meets on alternate Tuesdays in the meeting room of the Peace Information Center, 218 East 18th Street. Meetings will be held on 18th Street.  Meetings will be held on:

  • March 16 – Speaker on the Peace Movement (speaker to be announced).
  • March 30 – Speaker to be announced – Ray Browds “Our Crisis Economy”

Next meeting: Penn Kemble on the American Labor Movement; final nominations and ELECTIONS of Chapter officials. All welcome.
