Breaking Updates From The Field!!!

Day 5, 27 April

A map of Columbia University’s campus with the occupied buildings shaded in blue:

“Campus Map,” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 17, 2013,

“Campus Map,” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 17, 2013,

  • 1,09: Rudd @ 301 Philo, tells AHFG any effort less than amnesty for protesters is BULLSHIT ! #againstthewall #truth
  • 3,29: Fayweather occupiers on board with Rudd’s amnesty demand
  • 7,37: in-depth SPECTATOR coverage of the last three days
  • 13,53: Occupy Fayweather weakening, favoring changes to amnesty demand  #staystrong #unitycrucial
  • 14,12: Some CU students call for us all to “go home” – we must stay strong to achieve our goals!!
  • 19,29: Five AHFG members concoct ‘bitter pills’ conditions for resolution
  • 19,34: PILLS: stdts leave buildings, Columbia withdraws from IDA; cancel gym project; trigroup disciplinary process; collective and uniform disciplinary process  #spoonfullofsugar
  • 19,45: Faculty disown us if we don’t accept

Day 4, 26 April

  • 1,00: Provost Truman @ Philo 301, tells faculty police are coming
  • 1,03: Faculty boo
  • 1,37: French prof. Richard Greenmann injured by police @ Low Library, bleeding
  • 2,05: Truman calls off police
  • 12,15: Mathematics Hall, ‘Liberated Zone 5’ :

  • 15,31: Prez Kirk stands with faculty, develop tripartite negotiations

    Kirk + Truman

  • 18,20: Reps of Ad Hoc Faculty group meet with Hamilton + Mathematics student leaders
  • 18,25: Faculty reps meet with Rudd and SCC (strike coordinating committee)
  • 18,41: Both meetings unsuccessful, occupiers remain
  • 19,04: THE SPECTATOR covers faculty negotiations
  • 19,05: SPECTATOR: Student Damage in Low and Kirk’s Office Minimal #wearecivilized
  • 20,14: Fayweather occupiers splits from SDS, demands amnesty, will accept AHFC plan #worthiness


Day 3, 25 April

  • 7,45: Faculty stronghold 301 Philosophy
  • 12,12: OCCUPY Fayerweather Hall, building four!! Inside Fayerweather:
  • Adler, Gerald S., “"Fayerweather Liberated",” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 16, 2013,

    Adler, Gerald S., “”Fayerweather Liberated”,” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 16, 2013,

  • 13,05: No class til Monday, thanks prez. Kirk #justicedays
  • 16,11: Philo 301 = Ad Hoc Faculty Group; Poli Sci Alan Westin in charge
  • Theodore de Bary ’41 (left) and Richard Hofstadter (second from left), 2 on the AHFC:

  • 16,13: Faculty propose 3 resolutions: immediate suspension of gym construction; establishment of a student/faculty/admin board; faculty intervene btwn police + stdts if police arrive
  • KEEP CURRENT with The Spectator’s coverage – faculty recommendations, campus closed, Kirk occupation
  • 20,40: Admin calls NYC POLICE to retake buildings!! #holdstrong
  • 23,09: OCCUPY MATHEMATICS, building FIVE!!! SDS national leader TOM HAYDEN in charge


Day 2, 24 April

  • 3,59: Rudely awakened, all Whites must leave Hamilton, SAS will barricade
  • 5,32: 250 of 500 vacated Whites on move to Low Library #join
  • 7,09: Smoking Prez. Kirk’s White Owls – nice taste!!
  • David Shapiro approves:

  • 7.58: Kirk drinks expensive sherry #curious
  • 8,29: Police recover Rembrandt painting from prez’s office #lame
  • 8,31: Rudd + others leave through windows
  • 8,42: Photo-copying IDA documents found in Kirk’s office #TRUTH
  • 9,29: Occupation featured in The Spectator! 
  • 10,37: Faculty on move to Philo 301
  • 16,23: Coleman leaves office after 26 hours, speaking with students outside Hamilton

  • 16,31: student meeting says NO to Rudd’s idea of occupying more buildings
  • 16,38: Rudd resigns as chairman !
  • 18,03: AVERY HALL OCCUPIED, architecture grads refuse to leave!! #spirit

  • 20,39: “Majority Coalition” against occupying buildings, calls to admin! #MarkVilardi
  • 21,10: Black students in Hamilton say NO to admin’s proposal of suspending gym construction #token
  • 22,50: Setting up strike coordinating headquarters in Ferris Booth Hall

Day 1, 23 April

  • 8,01: The Columbia Spectator: 5 SDS members placed on disciplinary probation
  • 8,02: “Gynmasium Question Unites Leading Activists in Harlem” The Spectator – fighting against the “Columbia octopus” — !!
  • 10,34: Energize with today’s beautiful sunshine, follow it to the SUN DIAL – MASS RALLY – RUDD and CICERO !!!   #fervor
  • “"Join Us!",” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 16, 2013,

    “”Join Us!”,” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 16, 2013,

  • 12,14: We are easily 300 STRONG, keep it coming, they will listen!!! #unity
  • 12,43: Attempt Failed: tried to enter Low Library and brings demands to authority, doors locked, swarm of anti-demonstration students. #keepthefaith #perseverance
  • 13,27: @ gym in Morningside Park, Fred Wilson ARRESTED, police confrontation!!! #worthiness
  • Hugh Rogers Photography,

    Hugh Rogers Photography,

  • Ditlea, Steve, “Gymnasium,” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 16, 2013,

    Ditlea, Steve, “Gymnasium,” CU Libraries Exhibitions , accessed April 16, 2013,

  • 14,05: Dean Coleman held hostage in office!!  #escalating

  • 21,08: SDS + SAS officially split, 2 separate steering committees  #onegoal?
  • 22,39: Mass sleep-over in Hamilton, HUNDREDS strong
  • 22,45: Strategizing, come all, doors unlocked

GA Voted to Mount Continued Demonstrations!

Tonight, the General Assembly voted to approve the Steering Committee’s proposal for a series of demonstrations and disruptions throughout the remainder of the spring semester.

SDS will begin organizing these actions immediately. More information will begin available shortly. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact John Jacobs.

GA Meeting Tonight!

The General Assembly are meeting tonight in Fayerwether 201 to vote on the Steering Committee’s proposal to mount a series of demonstrations over the remainder of the spring term.

The protests will focus on the racism of the university (especially pertaining to the new gym), the repression of student organizers (the IDA six included), and the college’s complicity in the war/involvement with IDA.

The Steering Committee voted to approve the demonstrations on April 12th.

We need all members out tonight to discuss these proposed actions.

MLK would not have supported Columbia Administration!!!

Yesterday (April 9th), SDS staged a successful walk-out of the University-sponsored memorial service to honor Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated on April 4th. Thanks to those who organized and participated!

Mark Rudd, SDS Chairman, took control of the pulpit during remarks by Provost Truman, to remind the administration and the student body of the hypocrisy of the university. Columbia supports systematic mistreatment of blacks and workers, two groups MLK Jr. spent his life protecting. King was also an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War.

After Rudd spoke, he and forty other students walked-out of the chapel.

SDS will not sit by and allow the administration to lie. We are supported not just by many students and faculty, but by the clergy who organized the service. The administration can be angry, they can call us “Nazis”, but we will not stop and we will not back down.

SDS Members are Persecuted by the University!

President Kirk has decided to take disciplinary action against 6 students for yesterday’s protest in Low Library. Of course, all identified students are members of our SDS steering committee, including Mark, the current chairman.

We will not stand by and allow our fellow students and revolutionaries to be unfairly punished (and possibly expelled) for exercising their rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Kirk’s rule against indoor demonstrations is unjust, and we will not stop fighting until it is abolished and the IDA Six (and all student protestors) are granted amnesty by the administration.

We will get justice!