SDS in the News!
Coverage of Columbia’s Occupation in The Spectator:
- A Diary of April 25-27 (27 april)
- The New York Times and others Distort our Actions!
- Faculty Mediation (26 april)
- Our Demonstrations are Orderly
- Occupying President Kirk’s Office; Campus Closed (25 april)
- Hamilton Hall All-night Vigil (24 april)
- 5 SDS Members Put on Probation (23 april)
- Morningside Gym Protest
Other SDS Chapters in The New York Times:
- Critique of SDS – See If You Agree (march 3, 1968)
- Thousands Protest in Oakland (october 21, 1967)
- Student Says Brooklyn Protest Transcends War: Main Issue Called Manner in Which College Is Run (october 21, 1967)
- 18 Violently Arrested from Chicago SDS (october 20, 1967)
- Yale SDS Protests War During First Lady Johnson’s Visit (october 10, 1967)